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in reply to Katherine Bond

Have to get some work done on Saturday and then a reward.
in reply to Katherine Bond

Ice cream is a good thing. I have no problem with seeing the eating thereof as consummation of beautiful relationship. I have no doubt the purveyor of #bananagarum would agree, @Brian Fitzgerald?
in reply to Katherine Bond

Is it the cleaning out of the freezer or the eating of the ice cream that is necessary @Shonie Hutter? ;-D
in reply to Katherine Bond

After gazing at this a finding myself drooling it is definitely the eating of ice cream. That's Wow!
in reply to Katherine Bond

It seems to have a bit of everything, including a doughnut.

It may actually be a little much. We always have mint shakes in March around here. That actually sounds pretty good to me.

in reply to Katherine Bond

At Blums in San ice cream parlor of the most spectacular persuasion , as a child the confections were legend...the banana bonanza, a hot fudge sundae to die for & the golden cadillac which was my ice cream, vanilla( not your plebeian Häagen-Dazs either) 2 scoops each (your choice of ice-cream too) with butterscotch sauce, caramel sauce, & hot fudge sauce served in pitchers to use at will ....
in reply to Katherine Bond

I tend to favor plain vanilla - but it has to be the best. Nothing inferior to Hagan Daz will do (except in emergencies).
in reply to Katherine Bond

we had a taste comparison with the top 5 in the store....did vanilla since we like vanilla.....
in reply to Katherine Bond

We used to have an ice cream store long ago that had sundaes large enough for six people to share. I forget the names, but I think one of them was the Pig Out.

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