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Linus, creator of Linux, being “woke” as heck. Win.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

people trying to pick fights with Linus as if he isn't hardened by 40 years of mailing list drama
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Maybe i'm going to repeat stuff everyone already knows here, but what happens when those folks aren't able to live their lives in peace as who they truly are is devastating (it's no surprise marginalized people have a way higher rate of suicide).

They're as good folks as anyone else, so making them feel miserable and ruining their lives every single day is more than despicable.

You don't have to understand it really, you just have to choose to not be a moron towards other people.

Linus gets it right.

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

So, anybody who disagrees with the government on anything should be excluded from society?

Why not exclude the mass murderers of the government from society instead?

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Generally, people accuse anybody who disagrees with the government on anything "bigots".

For example, Trudeau accused those who did not want to be forced to participate in the clinical trials of the experimental vaccine bigots, misogynists, and nazis.

It's just a term of abuse now.

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

the replies are filled with sad little people complaining that he got weak or some shit.

Looks like he struck a nerve. The right one

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Good for Linus!

Some people are pretty dumb - especially those who conflate "woke" and "communist" when these are along totally different dimensions

But then hatred is a pretty stupid emotion - one a smart opponent takes advantage of

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

I hate the word woke... it's a way to say "I can't be bothered to argue with someone who doesn't meet my world view, so I'm going to slap this label on you so I can sleep at night with blankets that affirm my biases."
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

oh wow, in the past couple of hours added a ton of stuff to their blocklist
in reply to Tek

I went to and most of the vile stuff in the replies was gone
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
Unknown parent

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

I hope this makes it outside of fedi. Lot of “libertarians just asking questions” need to know that the people that actually make this shit aren’t cool with human rights violations
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

The man just spoke fact after fact after fact. I wholeheartedly agree. Using "woke" as pejorative is an insult to the human race.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

anywhere I go on the internet I always see this political crap (both left and right). Seems like politics are the only topic people can talk about...
So sad to see people hating each other because of damn politicians.
My question is: why?
in reply to Fossery Tech :debian2: :krita:

@fosserytech Politics is part of life, it controls everything. Of course people are going to talk about it.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

that's obvious but it's so sick that people hate each other based on political opinions and call everyone woke who doesn't agree with them
in reply to Tek

@tek Yeah, no, that's not how that works. The original post has literally thousands of boosts but isn't trending anywhere.
in reply to Tek

@tek It doesn't affect how things trend, and they don't ban boosting; they just consider people on boosting things to be considered an endorsement by their own users.
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

I was thinking about making a blog called Linus Torvalds Kicking Ass.

Idk how much of a time investment that would be though.

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Damn! Really wasn't expecting that from him, as he has his issues too. But this, this is gold!
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

It's impressive though, the extent that anti communism propaganda has taken root in the states even years after ussr has fallen apart. People throw 'communist' at each other as if it was a swear word
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Love Linux

I always say celebrity doesn't much interest me, but there are exceptions, and talented people, like Linus are one of those exceptions.

Love him, love this take

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