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in reply to Tek

So, fortune for the quotes, cowsay for the drawing, and lolcat to colorize ?
(I didn't know those drawings, and how to colorize like that)
in reply to Tek

Yup, have a short script that I threw together, just made it better, sort of, with the stringing.
in reply to tik


rm tmpion 2>&1
fortune > tmpion
while read -r line; do
  # $'\n' prints a newline so we don't have to know what special chars the string contains
done < "tmpion"

echo -e "$stringBuilder" "Credit to  \"#fortune, #cowsay, #lolcat and the #internet\" \n  ~-~ Created by #aEvl_us ~-~ ;-P " | cowsay -f `ls /usr/share/cows/ | shuf -n 1` | lolcat
echo ";-p "
head -c 10 tmpion
in reply to Tek

So with that tmpion thing line lengths adapts to the window size ?

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