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When we know everything to eat will be toxic, we eat less, to live longer, while seeking the best for our young.
#survival is what we are after #hustlers are what we have become.
Welcome, this is #america we are being #murdered but with out guns. #exposed #aEvl us is all of us. We can be as #one !

life lessons learned

That moment you can see the universe had your plan lined up but, convinced to make choices that were influenced by another. This my now, I see what I have done. What could have would not be the same as it is. My luck though, I would have probably been dead instead.

The whole meaning to this life was patience.

Im bored

#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.


The innocent lie because they don't want to be blamed for something they didn't do, and the guilty lie because they have no choice." #aEvl us.

#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this. Is back!!

#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.

Internet access must become a human right or we risk ever-widening inequality, argues researcher…

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in reply to Tek

the internet is a nasty trap www beast system
all is ai now .
people no longer matter
most are no longer human after the gene medicine
they got given .
so have no rights not even to water it seems

#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.


:secret: when I was was young one of my favorite comedian's was Robin Williams. Favorite Quote ~" I do voices " ~
#comedy #memories

#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.

Does using cockpit-machines with qemu count as a real hypervisor?

#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.

Homemade baby lotion ...

. Avocado oil or grape seed oils for baby or a balm made of 1:1 beeswax and oil or if you want a drier formula 2:1 of beeswax and oil.


#hacker #news

⚡ New high-severity vulnerabilities have been discovered in #Cisco IOx and F5 BIG-IP products.

Protect your organization by staying informed and updating your systems.


#infosec #cybersecurity #hacking #informationsecurity

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It's here....

Researchers Successfully Prove Teleportation Is Possible…

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#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.

I dreamt of

I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a human who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a human?

#art #artwork #butterfly #philosophy #dream #quote


#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.

Sugar ?

The price of ‘sugar free’: are sweeteners as harmless as we thought?

Elinav’s findings on sucralose and saccharin go against decades of public health orthodoxy, which says artificial sweeteners have no effect on blood sugar. What’s more, all four sweeteners tested were found to alter the human microbiome – bacteria in the gut – in ways associated with high blood sugar. These changes were not seen in the control groups. What this tells us, Spector explained, is that none of these sweeteners are “inert” in the human body, as was previously thought. “They do affect our gut microbes, even stevia, which may be the best of a bad lot,” said Spector.

#sugar #sweetener #artificial #sugartax #stevia #aspartame #sucralose #saccharin #diabetes #insulin #bloodsugar

in reply to tik


rm tmpion 2>&1
fortune > tmpion
while read -r line; do
  # $'\n' prints a newline so we don't have to know what special chars the string contains
done < "tmpion"

echo -e "$stringBuilder" "Credit to  \"#fortune, #cowsay, #lolcat and the #internet\" \n  ~-~ Created by #aEvl_us ~-~ ;-P " | cowsay -f `ls /usr/share/cows/ | shuf -n 1` | lolcat
echo ";-p "
head -c 10 tmpion
in reply to Tek

So with that tmpion thing line lengths adapts to the window size ?

#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.

That moment

When you realize that you are the squad loser. The last picked, the cheated the tricked. The one no body likes, manipulation like dice. Taking turns to see who can do the worst. My emotional downfall to the end of there jokes.


#aEvl_us Our #World #Exposed reshared this.

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